
Kalpatropin 100iu



Kalpatropin 100 IU is the brand name of the Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Human Growth Hormone.

Kalpatropin 100iu Growth hormone is a polypeptide hormone consisting of 191 amino acids. It is produced by the human pituitary gland and is released during appropriate stimulations (for example: exercise, stress, sleep, irritation, low blood sugar). It is important to understand that the Growth Hormone produced as a result of these stimulations does not have a direct effect on the body, but only stimulates the release of insulin-like growth factors and somatomedins into the blood, which then start to do their job. The problem is that the liver can only produce a limited amount of these substances. And if the Hormone is injected from the outside, it only induces the liver to produce and release these substances, without having a direct effect on the body.

The action of Growth Hormone on the body is diverse. Firstly, it has a strong anabolic effect and promotes increased protein synthesis, which is expressed in muscle hypertrophy (increase in muscle cell size) and muscle hyperplasia (increase in their number). The last property of Growth Hormone is unique. Anabolic steroids do not have a similar effect. This is probably the reason why growth hormone is called the most powerful anabolic hormone. Secondly, somatotropic hormones have a strong effect on the fat burning process. It intensively burns fat, which allows the athlete to consume more calories. Third, and often overlooked, growth hormone strengthens connective tissue, tendons, bones, and cartilage, which is probably one of the main reasons for the incredible strength gains that some athletes experience. Some bodybuilders and powerlifters are convinced that in this way Growth Hormone protects them from injuries, that’s why they usually increase dramatically the working weights. In addition, the increase in bones, cartilage, tendons and internal organs makes the athlete REALLY MASSIVE.

How to take Growth Hormone? The usual option for athletes is subcutaneous injections, which are administered daily. The dosage of top athletes fluctuates around 8-24 IU of Growth Hormone per day. Since the half-life of Growth Hormone is less than an hour, many athletes prefer to divide the daily dose into two parts, which are administered in the morning and in the evening before bedtime – this time is considered optimal.


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