
Crystal Power Injection



Crystal Power Injection  Reconstructive and stimulating tonic for use in competition horses, camels and canines. Raises blood pressure, improving circulation and breathing. Its action is prolonged and has no adverse cardiac effects. Supports growth and prevents central nervous system abnormalities. It helps in the recovery of microcytic and hypochromic anemia refractory to iron. It acts as a cofactor for enzymes._x000D_n_x000D_nIt helps in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis and angina. It works as a stimulant of nutrition, neurotonic and restorative against rickets, repairing the losses of calcium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium and sodium from the body._x000D_n_x000D_nINDICATIONS crystal power injection_x000D_nThe product is indicated in deficiency states of B complex vitamins and in states of weakness, fatigue, stress, anemia, malnutrition and convalescence from infectious and parasitic diseases. It is also indicated as a general restorative tonic to increase muscle tone and stimulate the circulatory system. At the time of service it is indicated as fortifying._x000D_n_x000D_nSUGGESTED DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION_x000D_n0.5 – 1ml per 100 kg of live weight per day for 3 to 5 days before the race.crystal power injection_x000D_n_x000D_nEven on the day of the race. Ideal, last dose, 4 hours before the race. (Example: Horses 5 ml, Camels: 3 ml, Dogs: 0.3 ml)._x000D_nIntramuscular application._x000D_n_x000D_nSPECIES_x000D_nHorses_x000D_nCamels_x000D_nDogs_x000D_n_x000D_nRaises blood pressure, improving circulation and breathing. Its action is prolonged and has no adverse cardiac effects. Supports growth and prevents central nervous system abnormalities. It helps in the recovery of microcytic and hypochromic anemia refractory to iron. It acts as a cofactor for enzymes._x000D_n_x000D_nIt helps in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis and angina. It works as a stimulant of nutrition, neurotonic and restorative against rickets, repairing the losses of calcium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium and sodium from the body._x000D_n_x000D_nINDICATIONS_x000D_nThe product is indicated in deficiency states of B complex vitamins and in states of weakness, fatigue, stress, anemia, malnutrition and convalescence from infectious and parasitic diseases. It is also indicated as a general restorative tonic to increase muscle tone and stimulate the circulatory system. At the time of service it is indicated as fortifying._x000D_n_x000D_nSUGGESTED DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION_x000D_n0.5 – 1ml per 100 kg of live weight per day for 3 to 5 days before the race._x000D_n_x000D_nEven on the day of the race. Ideal, last dose, 4 hours before the race. (Example: Horses 5 ml, Camels: 3 ml, Dogs: 0.3 ml)._x000D_nIntramuscular application._x000D_n_x000D_n


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