
Artrocal hampton



Artrocal hampton  Glycosaminoglycans (Chondroitin Sulfate) are important constituents of articular cartilage, forming part of proteoglycans, molecules that due to their three-dimensional arrangement and their hydrophilic character, provide cartilage with its property of selective permeation, water retention, elasticity and resistance to compression. . It has been widely demonstrated that an exogenous contribution of Chondroitin Sulfate as therapy for asticular and tendon pathologies yields excellent results thanks to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, chondroprotective, chondro-restorative properties and its ability to stimulate proteoglycan biosynthesis (Chondrogenesis) and collagen (Collagenogenesis).artrocal hampton_x000D_n_x000D_nINDICATIONS:_x000D_nOsteoarticular regenerator, promoter of chondrogenesis, antiarthrosic, non-infectious arthritis, osteoarthritis, hydrarthrosis and other degenerative astropathies, chondropathies, synovitis, tendinitis. Adjuvant in the treatment and prophylaxis of osteoarticular pathologies, adjuvant in fracture repair and post-osteoraticular surgery._x000D_nOsteochondrosis. Joint anti-inflammatory.artrocal hampton_x000D_n_x000D_nCONTRAINDICATIONS:_x000D_nThe product should not be applied to those animals that show hypersensitivity to any of the components. Do not use in pregnant females because its safety has not been gestated._x000D_n_x000D_nDOSAGE AND ROUTES OF ADMINISTRATION:_x000D_n_x000D_nSports equines:_x000D_nIn acute cases:_x000D_nTwo attack: 1 ml every 80-100 kilos of weight every 24 hours 3-4 days_x000D_nMaintenance dose: 1 ml every 80-100 kilos of weight every 7 days._x000D_nIn chronic cases: 1 ml every 80-100 kilos of weight every 7 days._x000D_n_x000D_nThe medication does not have a painkiller, analgesic or anti-inflammatory, it is therefore a natural medication and hence its absence of intolerance. Administer exclusively intramuscularly._x000D_n_x000D_nPRESENTATION: Container containing 5 x 5 ml ampoule vials./www.tacomavetmedication.com_x000D_n_x000D_nChondroitin sulfate 12%_x000D_nGlucosamine 20%


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