
Fructosa plus oral


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Fructosa plus oral  is a high-energy food supplement consisting of fructose, vitamin C, L-carnitine and thioctic acid. details Properties • Combining and strengthening these products when bonded makes oral fructose as well as providing an immediate supply of energy to the muscles, activating the conversion of fat to energy (in the form of ATP), stimulating immune defenses and normal liver function. • Fructosa plus oral is a carbohydrate with a high energy value that can replace glucose and can be used easily. Means a rapid supply of energy for muscular work. Accelerates the elimination of derived metabolites of the aforementioned muscle action (eg lactic acid), relieving fatigue from exertion.

Fructose is a carbohydrate with high energy value that can replace glucose and can be easily used. Means a rapid supply of energy for muscular work. Accelerates the elimination of derived metabolites of the aforementioned muscle action (eg lactic acid), relieving fatigue from exertion. Vitamin C activates the immune defenses. Prevents metabolic imbalances caused by stress, which helps improve performance. It has a strong antioxidant effect. • L-Carnitine is responsible for transporting fatty acids to the mitochondria, which in turn are responsible for energy production. L-Carnitine accelerates the oxidation of fatty acids and the consequent conversion into energy (in the form of ATP), delays the appearance of lactate and the feeling of fatigue.L-Carnitine is responsible for transporting fatty acids to the mitochondria, which in turn are responsible for energy production. L-Carnitine accelerates the oxidation of fatty acids and the consequent conversion into energy (in the form of ATP), delays the appearance of lactate and the feeling of fatigue. • Thioctic acid protects and activates liver function, with a remarkable anti-toxin effect. It is a natural oxidizing agent, an intrinsic cofactor for oxidative metabolism. It has a chelating effect in cases of heavy metal poisoning and is necessary for the normal functioning of the Krebs cycle.

Indications Muscle energy. Antioxidants, antioxidants and liver prevention. The primary fuel for muscle contraction. Provides energy fuel quickly and efficiently to improve the animal’s athletic work. Indicated before and after the effort or competition. Collaborates with the correct heart function. Muscular fatigue and convalescence periods are indicated in training and in training or work phases. restorative; Asthenia treatment. to express Fructose: 20 g L-Carnitine: 4 g Vitamin C: 4 g Thioctic acid: 250 mg csp vehicle: 100ml


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